MAY ‘22


MAY 2022 | Military Appreciation Month

The American military was founded even before the country itself. To fight the British and gain independence for the future United States, the Continental Congress created the army in 1775. After winning the Revolutionary War, the Founding Fathers didn’t intend to have a standing army. They disbanded the Continental Army and called for the “well-armed militias” that have become a flashpoint in today’s debate over the Second Amendment.

Today, the U.S. military is the world’s largest employer, with close to 3.5 million personnel employed in one way or another. The U.S. Department of Defense hires more people than any other organization or corporation in the world. By contrast, Wal-Mart, the largest private company, has 2.2 million employees worldwide.

Military personnel work in a variety of jobs, and many never see combat at all. After their service, they go on to hold important civilian jobs in many fields including information security, IT, commercial airline flight, corporate management, and more.

Military Appreciation Month honors everyone who has served in a branch of the U.S. military and reminds us that we owe many of our freedoms to the sacrifices made by military personnel. The month-long celebration was formally introduced by Senator John McCain in 1999, using a month that marks many important military anniversaries to highlight the contributions of our troops. In addition to keeping the country safe during wartime, the U.S. military also conducts important research that has led to many important and useful civilian technologies that we use every day like GPS, canned food, and jet engines. Read More


We are doing 1 set for each of the military branches (we’re including the Space Force in our count ;) of the following exercises:

6 SETS | Ruck ON (if you can)

  • 10 Burpees

  • 10 Push-Ups

  • 15 Squats

  • 15 Mountain Climbers (4 ct.)

[End Workout]

NOTES: Ruck weight can vary. Typically, 20 pounds if you weight under 150; 30 pounds if you are over 150. As always, modify as necessary.

Subscriptions: Patches will be shipped starting May 1, 2022.
New subscribers should wait until the 1st of the month to begin with this patch.

Having a great time? Awesome! Share it with everyone on social media and use our hashtags on Facebook and/or Instagram:
#ComeWithItNow #RucksOnParade


Single Entry (May '22)
Sale Price: $5.00 Original Price: $12.00

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