May ‘23



In the modern day, the most extensive, groundbreaking work on the meaning and purpose of the mandala was pioneered by the iconic Swiss psychiatrist Carl Gustav Jung (l. 1875-1961) who devotes considerable time to the subject in a number of his works.

To Jung, the mandala was the key to self-understanding and self-acceptance; by creating mandalas, one could come to know one's self more completely, recognize unhealthy thoughts and behaviors, and move closer to the center of one's actual being, leaving behind the various illusions of the self which clouded and confined one's psychological and spiritual vision.

Jung's work opened up the possibility for the secular uses of the mandala – though he consistently emphasized its spiritual power and use – and popularized the image in the West. In the present day, mandalas appear in significant numbers around the world in both religious and secular contexts and have gained a significant following among those who use the image to manage stress.

Although the circle is the most common form, a mandala may also be a square enclosing a circle or a series of circles, a square alone, a circle enclosing an image (such as a star or flower), and a rectangle enclosing a circle. read more



Spring showers bring May mandalas [flowers] of self reflection.

We are on a personal journey this month…A journey to find one’s self in the outdoors with a ruck! Here’s the deal, we are leaving this one to you. We want you to set aside time (a morning, afternoon, or day] for a ruck of unknown route / distance…no limits.

Grab some weight head outside and just go! Along the way (while watching for traffic, of course), recognize your unhealthy thoughts and behaviors. Leave behind the illusions of the self which clouds and confines one's psychological and spiritual vision.

When you’ve finally worked out what’s been on your mind…do 1 more mile.

We’re interested to know…what did you think about? How far did you go? Did your route take you to new places? Let us know using hashtags: #ComeWithItNow #RucksOnParade

End Workout

NOTES: Ruck weight can vary. Typically, 20 pounds if you weight under 150; 30 pounds if you are over 150. As always, modify as necessary.

Subscriptions: Patches will be shipped starting May 1, 2023.

New subscribers should wait until the 1st of the month to begin with this patch.

Having a great time? Awesome! Share it with everyone on social media and use our hashtags on Facebook and/or Instagram:
#ComeWithItNow #RucksOnParade


Single Entry (May '23)
Sale Price: $5.00 Original Price: $12.00

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