JuLY ‘23



While Independence Day is a thrilling science fiction film centered around a global alien invasion, it highlights the spirit of unity and determination exhibited by disparate groups of people. In a similar vein, rucking brings individuals together in a shared pursuit of fitness and personal growth. Just as the characters in the film come together to launch a counterattack on Independence Day, rucking enthusiasts join forces to tackle challenging terrains and distances while carrying loaded backpacks. Both the film and rucking demonstrate the power of collective effort, resilience, and the celebration of shared accomplishments.



Here’s the workout:

"Alien Invasion Ruck Challenge"

Warm-up (10 minutes):

- 10-minute ruck walk shuffle

Main Workout (45 minutes):

Alien Encounter Ruck March (25 minutes):

- Set a challenging but manageable weight in your rucksack.
- Imagine you are traversing the Nevada desert, encountering obstacles and overcoming challenges as if you were part of the Independence Day movie.
- Vary your terrain if possible, incorporating uphill climbs, stairs, or uneven surfaces to simulate the unpredictable alien invasion landscape.

Defeat Them (15 minutes):

- Perform the following exercises in a circuit format, completing each exercise for 30 seconds and resting for 15 seconds before moving to the next exercise:

a) Squats: Perform bodyweight squats or use your rucksack as added resistance.

b) Push-ups: Perform push-ups with hands on the ground or elevated using your rucksack.

c) Lunges: Perform walking lunges or stationary lunges while holding your rucksack.

d) Plank: Assume a plank position with your forearms on the ground and your rucksack resting on your back.

e) Russian Twists: Sit on the ground, lean back slightly, and rotate your torso from side to side while holding your rucksack.

- Complete 2-3 rounds of the circuit, aiming for maximum effort during each exercise.

Cool-down (5 minutes)

- Slow ruck walk or shuffle to gradually lower your heart rate.

End Workout

NOTES: Ruck weight can vary. Typically, 20 pounds if you weight under 150; 30 pounds if you are over 150. As always, modify as necessary.

Subscriptions: Patches will be shipped starting July 6, 2023.

New subscribers should wait until the 1st of the month to begin with this patch.

Having a great time? Awesome! Share it with everyone on social media and use our hashtags on Facebook and/or Instagram:
#ComeWithItNow #RucksOnParade


Single Entry (July '23)
Sale Price: $5.00 Original Price: $12.00

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