June ‘20


The ‘D-DAY’ ruck patch is ‘woven’ not embroidered to preserve detail. Current subscribers as well as those that purchase this challenge will be entered to win 1 of 5 Rucks On Parade patches.

The ‘D-DAY’ ruck patch is ‘woven’ not embroidered to preserve detail. Current subscribers as well as those that purchase this challenge will be entered to win 1 of 5 Rucks On Parade patches.


The D-Day Ruck Patch will be woven (not embroidered) to preserve the detail seen above. Current subscribers as well as those that purchase this challenge will be entered to win 1 of 5 Rucks On Parade patches.

As you notice, some of the soldiers in the patch are shadowed and some are silhouetted. The shadowed soldiers are meant to show life. Then, once the soldier got off the boat they were silhouetted to show that many of them went straight to their death.

“You are about to embark on the great crusade toward which we have striven these many months. The eyes of the world are upon you… I have full confidence in your courage, devotion to duty and skill in battle.” – Gen. Dwight D. Eisenhower


The D-Day Ruck Challenge is done best in combination with our D-Day Marathon or Half Marathon Ruck…BUT…if you’re not quite up to the distance or don’t have the time, this monthly challenge offers a great alternative.

We’ve named the 5 evolution’s after each of the beaches in Normandy: Utah, Omaha, Juno, Gold, Sword. The D-Day Ruck Challenge can be done anywhere but we would recommend somewhere sandy - like a beach.

D-DAY Marathon (or Half Marathon) Ruck
Sale Price: $20.00 Original Price: $40.00

If you are not able to incorporate water into your workout, feel free to substitute the exercise (i.e. Hydro Ruck Burpees vs Ruck Burpees)


To get this invasion started - Ruck 2.5 miles


In the water:

25 (4ct) Flutter Kicks
10 Hydro Ruck Burpees

5 rounds:

Shrimp Crawl 10 yards
10 Ruck Swings

(50 yards total - head back to the water)

Evolution OMAHA.

In the water:

25 (4ct) Flutter Kicks
10 Hydro Ruck Burpees

5 rounds:

Run 10 yards then Ruck Burpee
10 Push-Ups

(50 yards total - head back to the water)

Want to learn more about Rucks on Parade? Listen to us on the All Day Ruckoff Podcast!

Want to learn more about Rucks on Parade? Listen to us on the All Day Ruckoff Podcast!

Evolution JUNO.

In the water:

25 (4ct) Flutter Kicks
10 Hydro Ruck Burpees

5 rounds:

Low crawl 10 yards
10 Sit-Ups w/Ruck

(50 yards total -
head back to the water)

Evolution GOLD.

In the water:

25 (4ct) Flutter Kicks
10 Hydro Ruck Burpees

5 rounds:

Bear Crawl 10 yards
10 Ruck Squats

(50 yards total - head back to the water)

Current subscribers as well as those that purchase this challenge will be entered to win 1 of 5 Rucks On Parade patches. Drawing to be held at the end of June. Winners announced in the newsletter.

Current subscribers as well as those that purchase this challenge will be entered to win 1 of 5 Rucks On Parade patches. Drawing to be held at the end of June. Winners announced in the newsletter.

Evolution SWORD.

In the water:

25 (4ct) Flutter Kicks
10 Hydro Ruck Burpees

5 rounds:

Lunge w/Ruck Overhead 10 yards
10 Overhead Ruck Press

(50 yards total - head back to the water and wash off soldier!}

To finish this invasion ruck back to your start point - Ruck 2.5 miles.

You’ve earned this patch. Congrats!

Please note: Patches will be shipped beginning in June.


Single Entry (June '20)
Sale Price: $5.00 Original Price: $12.00

Not seeing what you want?
Looking for a previous month’s challenge?
All patches are now on-sale!

View our SHOP page

D-DAY Marathon (or Half Marathon) Ruck

“You are about to embark on the great crusade toward which we have striven these many months. The eyes of the world are upon you… I have full confidence in your courage, devotion to duty and skill in battle.” – Gen. Dwight D. Eisenhower



  • $20.00 w/Free Shipping

  • Includes a D-DAY Marathon (or Half Marathon) Medal

PLEASE NOTE: Medals ship immediately.