Cookies Circuit:

1. Chocolate Chip Shuffle (5 minutes)

- Set up a short course with cones or markers.

- Ruck in a zigzag pattern, imagining you're collecting chocolate chips along the way.

- Focus on quick and controlled steps.

2. Oatmeal Raisin Ruck Squats (5 minutes)

- Find a flat surface and perform squats while holding your rucksack or sandbag.

- Pretend you're kneading dough for oatmeal raisin cookies.

- Keep your back straight and chest up.

3. Peanut Butter Plank Pulls (5 minutes)

- Get into a plank position with your rucksack beside you.

- Reach under and pull the rucksack across to the opposite side, alternating sides.

- Engage your core and maintain a strong plank position.

4. Snickerdoodle Lunges (5 minutes):

- Take a step forward into a lunge while holding your rucksack.

- Alternate legs and add a twist to mimic the cinnamon-sugar coating of snickerdoodle cookies.

- Keep a steady pace and focus on your form.

Milk Circuit:

1. Milk Jug Carry (5 minutes)

- Fill a couple of milk jugs (jerry cans, sandbags, etc.) with water to create makeshift weights.

- Carry the milk jugs in each hand while rucking around your workout area.

- Focus on maintaining good posture and a brisk pace.

2. Moooving Calf Raises (5 minutes)

- Find a curb or step for calf raises.

- Perform calf raises with your rucksack and/or sandbag on your back.

- Embrace the "mooovement" and control the motion for maximum benefit.

3. Dairy Dip Delight (5 minutes)

- Locate a sturdy bench or elevated surface.

- Perform tricep dips using your rucksack for added resistance.

- Keep your elbows close to your body and maintain a steady rhythm.

4. Ice Cream Cone Climbers (5 minutes)

- Get into a plank position and bring your knees to your chest, one at a time.

- Imagine you're climbing up a giant ice cream cone.

- Engage your core and move with controlled intensity.

Wrap up the Cookies & Milk Ruck Workout with a cooldown and stretching session. Focus on your breathing, and take this time to appreciate the effort you put into this sweet-themed workout. Don't forget to hydrate and enjoy a well-deserved treat – whether it's cookies, milk, or a healthy alternative.

End Workout

NOTES: Ruck weight can vary. Typically, 20 pounds if you weight under 150; 30 pounds if you are over 150. As always, modify as necessary.

Subscriptions: Patches will be shipped starting December 1, 2023.

New subscribers should wait until the 1st of the month to begin with this patch.

Having a great time? Awesome! Share it with everyone on social media and use our hashtags on Facebook and/or Instagram:
#ComeWithItNow #RucksOnParade


Single Entry (December '23)
Sale Price: $5.00 Original Price: $12.00

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